Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Happy New Year

I think this picture is so cute of all the cousins together. The balloons were from Brittany's birthday party the day before. The best part of going on these trips is being with family, we always have the best of times.

For Brittany's birthday, which is Dec 30th, they had a "Walk Off". They all went down stairs and dressed up then did a run way for us. So funny! Uncle Brett of course is always the most talented at these things. Thanks Brett for always making us laugh!

They had tons of snow in Logan, it was so beautiful! I have to say though, I love visiting it, but grateful I don't have to live with it!

Here's the boys with cousin John. John's family lives next door to Grandpa and Grandmas house so he was always there to entertain the boys. Thanks John!
We had so much fun with the Zollinger's, it's always hard to leave. We miss everyone so much and look forward to March!


Annette said...

Ha ha! I see you're catching up too. It was fun to see you and your amazing YW last night! I totally forgot to ask you how the new house is. Have you moved in yet?

Brett Z said...

haha, I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or as an insult...can't wait to see ya'll in March!