Thursday, January 28, 2010

Christmas Day! and Eve

It was so exciting to see Santa show up on Christmas Eve. Zack was so cute, his eyes were so big and he was so happy. It could not believe that Santa would come and see him, he just went right up to him and gave him the biggest hug. That is a memory I will not forget.

Grandma Sue made pj's very everyone and for the kids she made shirts. The cool thing was on the shirts she embroidered their names on them with glow-in-the-dark thread. So Fun! My boys just lay in bed looking at their shirts. Thanks Mom, they love them still.

Christmas morning was very early, of course not early enough for my boys. They patiently(yeah right) waited while their cousins woke up. Poor Jack had been up all night sick so it wasn't easy getting him up. We finally were all ready and made it out to open presents. Jack also joined us and the poor thing was so sick, Clint even got a picture of him throwing up in a bucket by the Christmas tree. I decided not to share that photo. All went well besides though and all the cousins seemed pleased with their gifts.

After opening presents and eating some food, Grandpa Rog loaded us up on the school bus and took us snowboarding. This was the first time for our boys and Clint so they all signed up for lessons. By the end of their lessons all of them were boarding by themselves. It was so fun. Zack loved it the most. he was not happy when they turned off the Magic Carpet(that's what towed them to the top of the hill). We hope to be able to go again before winter is over.

To say the least Christmas was very fun! Thanks Mom and Dad!

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