Sunday, August 22, 2010

We Survived!

I love the first day of school. The boyz were up nice and early, dressed in their new clothes and ready to go! Of course we had to have a big breakfast to get them through the day. Brevin is taking Spanish this year for Zero period, so we had to leave the house by 7:15. It's going to be hard for me, but I guess it's good practice for Seminary! (Can't believe he'll be in Seminary in 2yrs..Yikes) They all seemed excited and a little nervous, but everyone survived including mom! I have to say it was quite weird not having to pick Zack up half way through the day. I'm not sure I like it. Zack has always been my shopping buddy and I miss having time with just him to read and play.

When we got to school, of course I'm taking pictures and Zack tells me to put it on Video. (Watch Video)

He tells me that I can look at that when I start missing him.....I love that boy!

Well I hope the rest of the year goes as smoothly has the 1st week!

1 comment:

Annette said...

Oh my gosh Kadie!!! That boy! That is the sweetest thing. Melted my heart :) I had a hard time adjusting when my youngest was gone all day too. And I still miss them all alot. But you get used to it. And now it's a matter of being productive and making the most of the time I have to myself. It seems there is always so much to do. Good luck my friend. Enjoy this new school year!