Sunday, September 20, 2009

We did it!!!

This was our group.....

This was our goal......

This was the Mist Trail with what seemed like a million steps......

This was the sign that wasn't very encouraging.........

This was when I felt like the view was good enough from the sub dome.....

This was when we finally made it to the top.......

This was when I dared putting my feet over the edge......

Thanks Annie, Julie, Tammy, and Keri


Annette said...

Good for you Kadie! I've never done that, but it's something Loren has always wanted me to do. Looks fun (and hard). How hard was it, truthfully?

Jodie said...

i'm ready to go!

Kadie said...

Hi Annette!
Physically I felt great! I worked out a lot before this trip though. It was scary doing the cables but I just held on and did it. I think the hardest part was coming down. It was a 12 hour day and it felt like the end would never come. I hope you do it, it was worth it.:)