Monday, May 11, 2009

Trip to DC

Recently Clint and I left the boys home with my sister and mom and went to DC. We stayed with my brother Jake and his wife Belle and 3 kids. Poe is the oldest and Piper and Jack are the twins. We had such a great time. Jake and Belle are great hosts, they drove us all around, told us the best places to go and things to do. The kids were great! They warm up to you so fast, and by the end they were no longer asking for Aunt Jodie(my sister), they were asking for Aunt Kadie, that was my goal by the end of the trip. As you can see we did have some rain, but with no kids it's easy to do. You don't have to worry about how cold they are and how muddy they're going to get.

Funny thing about this picture, we were tired of trying to take pictures of ourselves, so I ask a man walking by if he could take our picture. So while we are getting ready, he ends up stepping back into the pool of water behind him. So this poor guy is up to his knees in water. I felt so bad and didn't know what to do. So the guys gets out, takes our picture and goes on his way. I would love to know what he ended up doing.

Belle's dad is a season ticket holder for the Nats, so he was so kind to give up his tickets on Friday night so that we could go. They were great seats and we had a fantastic time. Clint even got a couple of balls during batting practice. The Nats played the Cardinals, the Cardinals won, but it was a fun game. Thanks Belle and thanks to your Dad.

1 comment:

Jodie said...

i'm planning another trip to dc. i can't have those kids thinking aunt kadie is better than aunt jodie!!