Sunday, November 7, 2010

Am I really old enough.... have a 12 yr old?
That's right, Brevin turned 12 last month. It was so great to have all his grandparents here to help celebrate and be a part of his Aaronic Priesthood Ordination. It was such a great day, full of happiness and peace! I'm grateful for a Young Man who is striving to be his best!


Annette said...

There is no way you are old enough. I was sitting behind you at Stake Conference and was just thinking how gorgeous you are Kadie!!! You look way too young to have a 12 year old :) Your family is darling...I was also so impressed by how well your boys behaved, since my 11 year old thought he was going to die of boredom. You are a good mom of boys! I need to know your secret!

JTCheneyClan said...

Man, it seems like yesterday we were visiting you guys in Atlanta. Sure happy for your family and Brevin.