Sunday, May 8, 2011

Utah Cousins

The boyz and Gracye hanging out watching conference!

This last General Conference we were able to go out to Utah to visit family. It was a very quick trip but a very good time. Clint took Brevin to his first ever Priesthood Session in the Conference Center with his Grandpas and uncle. What a great experience that was for Brev and Clint. The rest of the time we hung out with the cousins.

After a couple of days in Layton we headed to Logan to be with Clint's family. It was really hard to pack up and come home, we had so much fun with the cousins. On the way home the boyz asked us why we couldn't just sell our house and move by John and Kate? If only it was that easy.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Birthday Boyz

Happy Birthday Zack! He just turned 7, crazy to think that he'll be getting baptized next year. He had two of his buddies over for a small party. They enjoyed a Happy Meal, cake, and ice cream. The cake was to represent Pablo Sandavol, but ended up looking a little young for my Zack. But he seemed happy and that's all that matters. I was just glad it was still standing by the time we served it!!!

My sweet husband turned 38 this last week. We actually celebrated Zack's birthday on Clint's birthday(sorry honey), but it was the only day we didn't have baseball this week. So today I made a Birthday dinner for him and had ollaliberry pie for dessert. YUMMY! Still have some left and you want to come over :)

I just love these two boyz. Zack is my snuggler and always makes me feel like I'm the best mom ever! I can't say it all when it comes to Clint....thank you for always loving me and making me feel like I'm the most important thing in your crazy busy life!