Sunday, September 26, 2010

Amazing! It's not Baseball

So Zack decided that he would like to try soccer this year. I just love this picture of him with his dad before his first game. His Coach got roped into to coaching at the last minute so they didn't have any practices before the first game. Now most kids this would be no big deal, but Zack has never played soccer before, so I think he was a bit nervous and unsure.

I just love the look on his face during halftime. He was so focused on his coach, he didn't want to miss any detail. Anyone that knows Zack, knows he wants to get it right the first time. I just love this kid, he's every teachers dream!

If you look real carefully you can see Zack's white hair in the mix, he was a great little defender in this game. It was so fun to watch him! If you're interested I can send you his game schedule so you can come watch, it's so fun!